kes on juba üpris tegusad, mängivad, hauguvad ja käivad ajalehe peal asjatamas. Pered on kõigile ka leitud!
Titakestel läheb hästi
reede, august 04, 2006
magab hea näoga :)
saime teateid eile emand Datzy käest: ühel tibil on silmad lahti ja teised peaks kohekohe riburada järgi jõudma. Omanikud on leitud kõigile tüdrukutele, poiska ootab veel pakkumisi toreda kodu osas.
I have owned and trained golden retrievers since 2002. I love forest and training my dogs. My aim is to offer what they are meant to – lots of outdoor activities and brainwork - both included and needed in hunting sports. I am member of Estonian Retriever Club, Estonian Golden Retriever Club, Finnish Golden Retriever Club and The Golden Retriever Club (UK). I have passed the first level of training of hunting test judge and full course of breeder.