Second qualifying test (NOU) 21.06 Ellamaa

pühapäev, juuni 28, 2015 Kadri 0 Comments

We participated in qualifying test again with Säde - as we are far from ready to participate in working test or hunting test - and I think this is great opportunity to keep ourselves in the mood and up to date.

Osalesime Sädega teist korda tõukatsel, sest minu meelest on see hea võimalus endid vormis hoida enne kui me millalgi saame valmis, et tasemekatsetel osaleda.

Kohtunik / judge: Riin Kooli-Kõnnusaare ja peakohtunik / head judge: Risto Aaltonen Soomest / Finland
Fotod / photo credits to Pille-Riin Sepp :)

Oli väga tore ja õpetlik metsapäev! We had lots of learning and lots of fun!

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