Liepaja, Läti 13-14. detsember 2014 / Liepaja, Latvia 13-14.dec 2014
13.12.2014Kohtunik / judge: Julija Ardietiene, LT
Tøre ninne suurepärane, SK / Excellent, CQ
Juunior sertifikaat, Eriauhind / Jun CAC, Promotion Prize
Parim isane 4. /Best Male 4.
Kohtunik / judge: Pietro Marino, IT
Tøre ninne suurepärane / Excellent
Eriauhind / Promotion Prize
Isane juunior 3. /Male Jun 3.
"16 months old, correct bite, good type, correct proportions, head and body. Good reach of neck, correct profile of chest, good bones. Correct and good movement."